Product Expiry Date Management in Odoo

Product Expiry Date Management in Odoo

In Odoo, managing product expiration dates is critical for industries exclusively dealing with perishable goods. By activating the Lots and Serial Numbers feature, Odoo enables Companies to assign four key expiration categories to each product:


1. Expiration Time

Specifies the number of days after receiving products when they may become dangerous and should not be used or consumed.


2. Best Before Time

Determines the number of days before the expiration date when goods start deteriorating without necessarily being dangerous yet.


3. Removal Time

Sets the number of days before the expiration date when goods should be removed from stock.


4. Alert Time

Indicates the number of days before the expiration date when an alert should be raised for goods in a specific lot or with a particular serial number.


This feature not only enhances end-to-end traceability but also simplifies product recall management and batch identification, leading to reduced product losses and increased the Customer satisfaction.



You can display this information on delivery slips and invoices as needed!

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